In Hong Kong, SIS is represented via the YAMA Foundation, which provides wellbeing and essential living services to Hong Kong’s communities living with disabilities, special needs, in poverty, and underrepresented or underserved communities. We provide yoga, arts and meditation classes, community clean-up services, food drives and essential living collections. We work with prisons, hospices, asylum seekers, hospitals and other non-profit organisations around Hong Kong.
In Hong Kong, under YAMA Foundation, we have the following:
Karma Yoga at SoCO — Cleaning common areas of old buildings with cage homes and subdivided flats and providing essential living and education items for families and children of extreme poverty in Hong Kong.
Art In Your Life Program — Bringing Yoga & Art to children with rare diseases and special needs
Family Yoga at Ronald McDonald House Charities — Yoga as stress management for children with terminal illnesses and their parents
I’MPERFECT YOGA — Adaptive Yoga workshops for disabled communities using wheelchairs.
Satchidananda Prison Project — providing yoga classes and donating Sri Swami Satchidananda’s books to prisons in Hong Kong